klipsch speakers

hi everyone. my son is looking for a pair of these speakers old or new that will sound the loudest. he has a carver receiver that has 250 watts a chjanell. he likes his sound super loud. doesn't matter about accuracy. anybody out there have any advice?
Izzy is spot on. Cerwins are loud and cheap. He’s really not deserving of kliosch speakers. 
I favor Klipsch (horned) for low power amps bcos they have excellent sensitivity...

Younger people like bass, get a 14" SVS sub and some cheapish full range floor standers and they'll be happy.
you don't need lots of power for Klipsch speakers.  they are really efficient.  a used pair will suit him just fine.  

But I do agree with the others.  Hearing loss is no joke and young people think they are invincible and can't get hurt.  Same with knees.  once damaged, they don't heal.

I know many young people with permanent hearing loss.  

Glad we could revive this 2 yr old thread. If the guy hasn't bought speakers by now, it's probably not that important.
