... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...

Hello to all...

I was shifting around components in my system, trying to squeeze out better controlled bass, more definition within the soundstage, and better define the "voice/midrange" presentation...

I presently have a tube preamp (hardwired with a wall wart) into an HT Receiver; source is a Marantz SA-8001 CD Player

Swapped out a Yamaha HTR -5550 (hardwired) for a Parasound HCA-750A (which needs a power cord).

CD Player is powered with a PS Audio Statement SC power cord, so I went in my closet and pulled out another PS AUDIO Statement SC power cord, hooked it up and expect to give it at least 5 days continuous re-break-in before serious listening.

Took a minute to lookup reviews about this power cord - and I read some rather confusing reviews: some luved 'um, some liked 'um, but some thought them " ...slow... " (?), and giving a veiled presentation...

I'm gonna listen and decide myself - but I'm abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound - I know that interconnects and speaker cables would/could/Do affect sound presentation - but how could a power cord?

Explanation/thoughts please...
You will hear it when you believe it.
Equating all perception with hallucinations and placebos is first, self defeating, and second, immature knowledge...

Think 5 seconds about that:  how do you explain a step by step incremental process of qualitative modifications translating in a better S. Q. ; a sustained hallucination in time ?

« We need brain with the ears but especially some consciousness »  -myself  

The brain is not a machine...

It is impossible to waste it....

Consciousness is linked to a work not mostly of the brain, but of myself on myself....The waste is in this lack of "my" work....

Brain dont create consciousness, except in very old science textbook....

And brain is not a computer nor an A.I. except for some similarities in the focus of some engineers mostly paid by Google.... :)

Like the eye is not a camera except for some similarities ....

This is well said: « The human eye is not a recording device, like a camera, but is more like an intelligent search engine that actively sorts through the visual information that is continuously streaming toward it. Visual perception is, in fact, the act of visual selection.» from the net...  

Correct. Ears are not microphones. 

We create the music. Ourselves. Without us there is not only no music, there isn't even any sound. The old puzzle if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it does it make a sound? No. It vibrates the air. Sound is a phenomenon of hearing. To hear a sound requires a listener. No listener, no sound.