Have 300b MB want a killer pair of Hi-Eff speakers

Looking to fill a 12'X25' room with a speaker that will do justice down to 38hz. Speakers must work 5+ feet from the back wall. May try to integrate a sub down the road,stand or floor mounted ok. 50's & 60's Jazz and vocals my pref. Gota be able to do the left handed piano keys and acoustic bass. Thank you in advance for your recomends!
Looking to fill a 12'X25' room with a speaker that will do justice down to 38hz.
minus what dB? How big? and how much money do you have to spend?

Because that is going to take a huge cabinet and/or horn to accomplish with any meaning output.
Take a look my speakers Bacheaudio.com
i will sell for $2200 demo 2weeks free trail
I second Zu Def 2 - or, perhaps the soon to be released Def 3. My room is almost exactly your size, but with an 18' ceiling. I use a 300b SET.