Looking for new to me Jazz music

Hi all,

With being home more now than ever, I want to expand my Jazz music library.  I really like Diana Krall, Brubeck, Miles Davis and Bird. I like the sounds from the trio’s, quartet’s and quintets, where you can Easily hear every note.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


I go on today like yesterday with Bill Charlap....

I like piano so much.... in jazz many plays acrobatics instead of controlled tender touch, they dont paint ,they hammer some set of nails...

You have made my year truly.... I wish you the best.... How in the world is it possible that this truly musical pianist is not so more much known?

Much of all others are on his shade side, except Bill Evans and a few others....

He is a  always a poet....


I just discover also that his wife Renee Rosnes is a wonderful jazz pianist to my liking also....

Thanks to the second power....

A great artist....None of what i listen to for now is short of being at least very good....
Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who gave me leads on “New to me” jazz.

 I am happily listening to Chet Baker, Chet.