Looking for new to me Jazz music

Hi all,

With being home more now than ever, I want to expand my Jazz music library.  I really like Diana Krall, Brubeck, Miles Davis and Bird. I like the sounds from the trio’s, quartet’s and quintets, where you can Easily hear every note.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

I just discover also that his wife Renee Rosnes is a wonderful jazz pianist to my liking also....

Thanks to the second power....

A great artist....None of what i listen to for now is short of being at least very good....
Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who gave me leads on “New to me” jazz.

 I am happily listening to Chet Baker, Chet.

For something 'completely different' you might try Claude Bolling jazz. Very different big band from France. He;s played with some of the greatest and I like his arrangements. As I say, just for something different :)