PrimaLuna Preamp Upgrade Question

I have owned a PL Evo400 Integrated for the past few months. I love the amp, but am considering diving deeper into separates. I've been eyeing a Primaluna Evo Preamp to hopefully unlock more separation and presence.

I'm curious if anyone has any experience with owning a Primaluna Integrated and then adding a Primaluna Pre Amp using the HT bypass. I understand this is a possibility, but I'm curious of the added benefits and or drawbacks. Is there is a general consensus it would be greatly beneficial, I would eventually sell off the Evo 400 integrated and go full separates. 

If you don't have specific experience with PrimaLuna but have been in a similar situation using a bypass in an integrated I'd also love to hear some feedback. 

"Brand new Focal Aria 936’s. Pleased with them, but they’re not the end all be all’s."

Positioning and room. The 936’s are nice speakers. If that doesn’t work-Kanta or Sopra...and better sources-the madness doesn’t end.

I use a  PS Audio Power Plant-it does its thing in my system.YMMV
@tablejockey do you have your PrimaLuna gear running through the PS Audio Power Plant? I've been curious as the entry level of running my Evo 400 through a conditioner such as PS Audio or Audioquest

I use an ancient model with good results.

Got it here, for cheap. Yet another polarizing subject. It's actually getting refreshed at PS Audio as we speak. Soon as I took it out and turned the system on....the "veil" came back. Few days later my ears adjust, and it sounds fine, but I'm anxious to get it back in a couple of weeks.

I plug EVERYTHING into it with no problems. Opinions on plugging the amp into it is divided. The Audioquest Niagra has good reviews.

I would recommend the dedicated line and tweaky outlet also. Clean power seems to be a solid upgrade to my ears.
Are you getting any noise in your system?  If not, I would concentrate on getting the basics dialed in before I dropped a lot of coin on a power conditioner.  What is it you do not like about your Focals?  If it were I, I would experiment with speaker placement and live with the final results for a bit before spending more money.  At this point, getting a preamp to use with the Integrated is a waste of money.  Your Integrated is an excellent amp already!  If your system doesn’t have many hours on it, it would be foolish to dish out more money right now.  Let the system burn in and get your speaker placement right.  Then and only then would I spend more money. 
@tablejockey so the p300 you have can handle the PrimaLuna? I was under the impression I would have to move up to the newer P12 (or older P10) to be able to handle the power requirements of my Evo400.