If you do go, check out the Vandy VLR's. Though a bit more money, they can really rock with a Belles Aria integrated.
Magnepan dealers
"Magnepan is beginning a pilot program to address a problem facing many consumers. With the decline in the number of 2-channel dealers and the proliferation of high-end audio products, many consumers have no opportunity to audition Magneplanars (or other good audio products). As stated on our home page--- "Why in the world would anyone want a 6-foot tall panel speaker? They probably wouldn't......unless they heard it."
The Showroom Only Dealer is being well-compensated by Magnepan to provide a service to consumers in their market area. The Showroom Only Dealer is not permitted to sell Magneplanars. And you are not under any obligation. The dealer is simply providing you with the opportunity to hear Magneplanars in the dealer's facility. Later, if the customer chooses to buy a Magneplanar, they would contact Magnepan directly for the purchase."