PrimaLuna Preamp Upgrade Question

I have owned a PL Evo400 Integrated for the past few months. I love the amp, but am considering diving deeper into separates. I've been eyeing a Primaluna Evo Preamp to hopefully unlock more separation and presence.

I'm curious if anyone has any experience with owning a Primaluna Integrated and then adding a Primaluna Pre Amp using the HT bypass. I understand this is a possibility, but I'm curious of the added benefits and or drawbacks. Is there is a general consensus it would be greatly beneficial, I would eventually sell off the Evo 400 integrated and go full separates. 

If you don't have specific experience with PrimaLuna but have been in a similar situation using a bypass in an integrated I'd also love to hear some feedback. 

I have a PrimaLuna Dialogue Integrated paired with the Aria 936s’s. I too found myself in the same mindset of upgrading within a year of the new system but never really considered separates. I chose to upgraded the system by adding two subs, high-end replacing all cables, power cords, and the power conditioner. All replacements purchased in the used market (except the subs). Most impressive and surprising was the SR Powercell 12 UEF power conditioner. It was my second addition to the system after SR power cord for the integrated amp and I was taken aback with the improvement! In fact, I was underwhelmed at first, though, after bout 15 -20 hours of listening, I was dumbfounded. It was remarkable! Without getting into a bunch of adjectives, I basically now have a different system as far as soundstage and clarity compared my original system less the upgrades.

Now if I ever replace my Primaluna, I doubt I’ll consider replacing cables, power cords, and conditioner.
There is a school of thought that, assuming you will included high-end cabling and power cords, separates require purchases additional sets of cables and power cords. Everyone’s budget is different but certainly, something to at least consider.

I too must echo that speaker placement is paramount.

Cheers and good luck with your journey!
Edit:  I forgot to mention that I rolled some tubes as well. 

Check this out. There isn't no "one size fits all"  for speaker placement but this guide gets my speaks in the zone for them to sound good. As always, YMMV

"Pulled the trigger on 6 12au7's,"
The 2 innermost tube are responsible for sonic changes as mentioned on the PL site. They are the gain tubes. Like many PL owners, I've played with all of them. I didn't experience anything with the others.
Re speaker set up, it’s really not possible to suggest a set up starting point as you have not really described your room, however tablejockey’s recommendation for the Cardas calculator is a good one as a starting point. Overall your end result will probably be optimum with your speakers further out into the room (mine are 5 1/2 feet) your listening chair well out from the back wall (mine are 4 feet) set up in a equilateral triangle or something close thereto (mine are 9 feet apart and my chair is 10 back from the plane of the speakers). The speaker are toed in substantially to reduce side wall reflections (but it seems you have plenty of space on the sides already). Another consideration is whether to put you speakers on a long wall or a short wall. I’ve always found the short wall better, but if you can, try both.

There, that you keep you busy. Getting your room right takes quite a bit of time. Although room treatments can be helpful, I would recommend that you get the fundamentals right before you start on ’treatment’. FWIW.
@tablejockey awesome thanks for the link. I'll do some reading. I followed the basic guidelines in the focal manual but I'm always open to trying different. 

And I've heard the PL input tubes make the "biggest" sonic impact. What I may do is start with the flanking tubes and let them burn in to see if I experience anything. I greatly appreciate the input. I think the experience is what I'm ultimately after and maybe not the major $$$ I was originally considering. 
This is a hobby and we do what we want or think is best to improve our listening enjoyment. I’d like to offer another route to consider.
I looked at your setup and you have a turntable. Is analog your main source of enjoyment? It’s certainly mine! I stream from my phone to a 1987 DAC. It sounds good but can’t touch my analog particularly if I’m listening to a killer pressing! It’s night and day! When I sit down for a serious listening session, my analog system takes me on a journey.
So may I suggest this: In an analog system, two of the most important components in the chain are at opposite ends of the system. The cartridge and the speakers. The cartridge turns mechanical energy into electronic energy; the speakers turn the electronic energy into mechanical energy. That’s probably an oversimplification but those two ends are a good place to start. But alas, the 936’s are already part of your system (I also own a set). You could put 20k worth of components in your system, but without a decent cartridge, you’ll never begin to reap their benefit.

I have the PrimaLuna Dialogue. Cost slightly less than your EVO. To put things into perspective- I have about 12k into my turntable, tone arm, cartridge, and phono preamp. The first time I played a killer pressing (white-hot stamper), I got teary-eyed. I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing! And that’s before I upgraded all of my power cords, interconnects, and power conditioner.
Lastly, don’t underestimate a decent album cleaner. That’s another story. Couldn’t live without one. Night and day in most cases. I have a friend who is a picker and has an antique shop. He lets me go through his albums; I’ll take 30 or so and clean them before playing them. I’ll cherry-pick the ones I want to keep and return the rest. I kept about 15 of them. the criteria I use to decide is: 1. Does the music speak to me and would I want to listen to it again. 2. Condition of the album. Scratches, ticks, pops, etc 3. Quality of the pressing (sonic quality) Not often, but some albums I’ll keep just because they are killer pressings.

The third batch I got from him I figured I’d save some time and listen to a couple of tracks or even an entire side before cleaning it. Sadly, the first three albums went into the "return pile". Even though they were in perfect condition and were albums I would certainly want to listen to again, the sonic quality of the pressings was very poor. After placing the 4th album in the return pile, I figured I’d immediately clean it and give it another listening to see if it made any difference. Again, after cleaning it, I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing! Night and day.
Sorry for the ramble.