Upgrade Carver to Tube Carver question.

I have a nice rebuilt Carver TFM 45. It's dead quite. I have Focal Kanta 3s & a PS Audio BHK preamp.  No vinyl just a Rotel CD player & streaming for now.  Aside from my mediocre sources what improvement could I expect from a Carver 275 or the 350 tube amp?  Room is 16x25 if it matters.
You would hear a huge improvement from either the 275 or 350,
they are world class amps!
 If you have the means for the crimson 350 monos’
 jump on them!

@Ozzy should chime in soon

 your gear is nothing to scoff at, good stuff, the Carver crimson 350s’ will boost your ear candy to the upper reaches of audio.

 They have been on my (buy now) list for years, been saving for a while, as soon as the scratch is available, they are mine!

  Call/email his website, he will reply to you, regarding the serious questions.

 I wrote Mr. Carver a while back regarding the sunfire sig, he personally responded to me, I printed the email for proof and fandom!
