RME ADI-2 DAC FS is it "All That", especially for under $2,000?

I am upgrading my main system with a Mark Levinson No 532H and pair of Tekton MOABs, arriving in the next few weeks. I decided my Music Hall 25.3 DAC should probably be upgraded as well, I have a PS Audio preamp I was planning on still using.

I am getting a lot of recommendations for the RME ADI-2 DAC FS, and some are saying replace my PS Audio preamp with it also. Pretty much every review or even mention of it I can find, comes with descriptions like "End Game product regardless of price" and "State of the art".

I actually found the ADI-2 FS to be too much on the high frequencies for my liking and ended up keeping the NAD M51. The ADI-2 is definitely more detailed than the M51, but who cares about detail if you can’t actually enjoy listening. Compared to the ADI-2 FS, the M51 is rolled off on the high end. And that’s even with the ADI-2 FS using the NOS filter. I realize the ADI-2 FS has a parametric EQ, but what’s the point in eq’ing the thing to sound rolled off on the high end? With EQ adjustments it lost the edge in detail that it had over the M51.

Just my $0.02. I had high hopes for the ADI-2 FS but it ended up being too ’studio’ sounding for my tastes. I find the M51 to be more musical whereas the RME was more analytical.
I picked up an ADI-2 FS last week and have been letting it run in for a few days.  My previous DAC was a Bricasti M3.

For the money, I very much like its sound quality, and that doesn't take into account the many features it offers.

A question for other owners, has anyone had intermittent connection issues with the power cable?   The connection on my unit is not very good and I have to move/wiggle the connector to get it to power up, and then moving or touching the power cable can cause it to power off.
I'm wondering if this is a common problem or just related to my unit...

On the topic of the power supply, has anyone tried a power supply upgrade and did it make any difference?   One minor complaint I have with the sound is I don't find it overly dynamic or offering overly strong bass.  I am wondering if a better power supply might improve that aspect of its sound.
I love this DAC.   It is in an all tube system so I like a DAC that doesn’t add nor detract.  It is better in my current system than the M51 it replaced and although I posted the M51 for sale I think I am just going to keep is as the heart of a simple 2.1 system in another room

Rhe power connection is a locking connection.   Gently push in and turn to the right .  Gently !!!  It should turn about 1/4 way and stop.  

@ddafoe i run a Bricasti M3 in my main system and just ordered the ADI-2 DAC for my home office to use as a headphone amp/DAC.  
I’m curious to know what if any  differences you hear between the M3 and the ADI-2?

i did buy the MDx upgrade board and installed it several weeks ago.  Nice improvement and worth the price I paid.
@oddiofyl that was it, I wasn't locking it; thanks!

@sfseay, my M3 had the MDx board in it from the factory.   I find the ADI-2 to offer a little less resolution compared to the M3, and less drive and dynamics.   The ADI is smooth and very easy to listen to.   I found it lean sounding when I first hooked it up, but after running it 24/7 for a few days I feel like it has added a little more depth, although that might simply be related to me listening to the Topper D90 a lot recently which is very detailed and focused.    I found the M3 a little thin sounding compared to my previous DAC (380DSD) so I could see some folks liking the ADI sound better if ultimate resolution and dynamics isn't their number one goal in a DAC.   The ADI makes it very easy to listen to the music without having to focus on every little recording detail.   On the same hand, on some high quality recordings I wish for a little more detail and jump similar to what the M3 and D90 offer. 

For its 'relatively' modest asking price and throw in its many features, I think it is a great deal at 1/5 the cost of the M3.    When you have settled in with it, please let me know your thoughts on it...   I'm still tempted to try a M3 again but this time around get the integrated Ethernet board since I only stream; the big step up in price after hearing what is available for around $1K is making it hard on me to pull the trigger now though :)