If you can handle its size and appearance then Tekton Moab is unbeatable in this range. Also incredibly easy to drive, and anything and everything you throw at it comes out perfect. They go big, they play intimate. They go deep, and they go extended. Well, to the extent my tired old ears can hear anyway. Which is another thing, they aggravate my ears much less than anything I’ve ever heard. While at the same time being faster, more detailed and dynamic than anything I’ve ever heard. My wife loves them, and actually asks to listen to music now. She even likes the way they look. An awesome combination.
The one downside: two month wait. Oh and there are none used. Apparently nobody who has them has any interest in selling them. When people tell you to buy lightly used, what they mean is there’s speakers out there so bad the buyer’s can’t wait to dump them. There’s a lot of them, and this approach is very popular around here. Not for me. But to each his own.
The one downside: two month wait. Oh and there are none used. Apparently nobody who has them has any interest in selling them. When people tell you to buy lightly used, what they mean is there’s speakers out there so bad the buyer’s can’t wait to dump them. There’s a lot of them, and this approach is very popular around here. Not for me. But to each his own.