Benchmark DAC-1 on a Sony DVP S9000ES??

Would adding a DAC-1 to my Sony DVP-S9000ES give me a much improved redbook sound while still giving me SACD & DVD capability on the Sony outputs? I know I can order one and find out myself, but I was hoping this was already tried and could get some opinions.

The 9000ES already has fairly decent redbook performance, so in your system you should probably test the DAC1 and see if it makes an appreciable enough difference for you to justify dropping another $G into your system.
i did not like the sound of redbook cd playback on any sony player i auditioned a few years ago (9000es, scd1, and 777es). i thought they were built like a tank and the sacd playback was excellent. i have been using different external dac units with my 9000es ever since it was purchased. huge difference in redbook sound with an external dac.
I owned the Sony SCD-777ES player for a few years. My old Meridian 508.24 was slightly better at redbook play back. I also tried a bunch of DACs with the Sony, Electrocompaniet, Audio Logic, Benchmark, Musical Fidelity, Chord 64 and Birdland. For $1000 the Electrocompaniet was real nice. I thought the Audio Logic was better and the Chord 64 better then the stock tubed Audio Logic. Each of these DACs was an improvement over the stock Sony. You will also need a good digital cable like the AZ MC-2 or Audience for starters and then you'll have to move up from there. Another option is to have the Sony modified.

Happy Listening.