"I hope that clears it up."
No dice, Wolf. You're on a very short list.
No dice, Wolf. You're on a very short list.
SR Blue Fuses
I wish everyone would just mind their own beeswax. In the meantime, the organic, pure clover version is due to be released next week. https://highend-electronics.com/products/audio-magic-ultimate-beeswax-shd-fuse |
john_g A 5% difference in rating should not be a problem. Phone SR if you want confirmation. My amps are rated for 5 amp fuses but require 8 amp due to their enormous storage caps which have a huge inrush which popped the 5 amp fuses. (SR exchanged the blown fuses for the appropriate ones). My amp designer friend who has NO tweaks in his system immediately heard the difference in my monoblock amps he designed using the blue SR fuse over the 5 amp Littlefuse (a new one too). He decided (he's cheap) to install 5 amp breakers to replace the fuses. His amps sound about as identical to mine as we can tell. Whatever it is, the cheap fuses are INFERIOR in our amps than SR fuses. The blue fuse sounded great immediately without the mandatory 72 hours the black fuse required to stabilize. I also use the blue fuse in my heavily modded Dynaco ST70 and that is a substantial improvement over other fuses. |
I wish everyone would just mind their own beeswax.Seriously!!!! Anyone who buy this needs to be committed! https://youtu.be/YTY26k0CA0I?t=7 Has anyone of the gullible fusers here noticed, there’s not one single audio industry EE guru that posts on Audioogon giving the slightest bit credence to these snake oil fuses. |
Why would any self respecting audio EE in his or her right mind post a positive take on aftermarket fuses knowing that the Insane Clown Fuse Posse would be hot on their heels for the foreseeable future, hounding their site, posting insane diatribes and calling for a boycott of their product? Have you been paying attention to what happens to anyone who speaks their minds on the internet? All the best, Nonoise |