Recommend speakers for Hegel H190

What speakers under $5000 would you recommend for Hegel H190?

Used in a room that is 6x8 meters, high ceiling. Currently have B&W 683 S2 and like them but would like to improve.

Thanks for the advise.
OP, I had the H160 many moons ago driving Dynaudio Emit 30s, good pairing, went for B&W 702 S2s and that was a better pairing. IMHO if you like metal dome tweeters stick with B&W 702s or try KEF R11s, if you desire a tweeter change get the Dynaudio Evoke 30s or stretch for the 50s, big improvements on the Emit series. Another reason to stick with Dynaudio, B&W and KEF is they are easier to sell because of brand recognition.
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Jjss49-your reply is a joke. If you can read the op’s posts, he is asking the right questions.
He wants a warmer sound and he has a Hegel 190 amp. Pretty simple request.
Op, if you want a warmer sound, your going to need to move away from B&W speakers especially with your Hegel. I’ve owned a couple of Hegel integrated amps and they are pretty neutral sounding and B&W speakers pair better with warmer sounding amps like Classe or McIntosh.
Look at Revel, totem, usher, Kef reference series, and Wilson.
Look at Dynaudio---quite a few posts on here and elsewhere regarding their synergy with Hegel. I have the Special 40s and they are great speakers ($3000/pr).