Power Conditioner Cables

Upgrading the power cord for my DAC, which plugs into a power conditioner, then realized the conditioner itself
is using just its own original stock rubber cord (which is, however, replaceable). Seems there would be no point unless I first upgrade the power conditioner cord. Never occurred to me before because, apart from the DAC, the only source components using the conditioner lack replaceable power cords of their own.

Funny I don't recall ever reading about upgrading the power cords on conditioners. Bet there are many here who know something about this .  .  .
Its funny, because in the time it took to write the post, to say nothing of reading replies, you could have just plugged the darn thing in and figured this out yourself. Which you should do. What you will find, the power cord gives almost exactly the same effect no matter where it goes. The main difference being if used from the conditioner to the DAC then only the DAC gets the benefit. But if used from the wall to the conditioner then everything plugged into the conditioner gets the benefit. 

But its not like, five things plugged in so five times as good. Its just usually a little better this way. Usually, because power cords are all over the place and sometimes one might work especially good on one component and not so good on another. This is one way you can tell if a power cord really is good, or is just pretending. The really good ones sound virtually identical no matter what they're used on. No matter what the system either for that matter. Go and listen. You will see.
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OP, I don’t see a Quattro Premier listed on Google, who is the manufacturer? I’d like to know the type of conditioning you’re using and desire as replacement; eg, active, passive, power strip with filtering.

Miller, thanks, that makes sense and I will now try the cord intended for DAC on the conditioner itself.
Steakster, thanks for the link, hadn't come across it before & will have a read.
lowrider, sorry, as twoleftears says, it is Pangea. I had forgotten this as the top only says Quattro Premier. 
twoleftears, budget would be <$750. If there is nothing especially good in that range, I will just tough it out for now with a better wall connection.