Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers

What you prefer , single driver , no crossover, full   range  loudspeakers powered by low power SAT  or traditional 2-3 way design ?
@bache I have moved to the single full range crossover-less Cube Audio Nenuphars and Scott Sheaffer’s Found-Music SET 2A3 monoblock amps.
Well I have over 40 something pairs of speakers .I have all types and I find different types of speakers sound different with different types and source's of an audiophile  hoarder...
I have a pair of Emerald Physics 3.4s; open baffle, 12" carbon fiber woofer with concentric polyester tweeters. so it requires a XO but DAM
@david_ten , Did you feel something the sound becoume slightly thinner
especially when you listen cell, low octave of piano or mens vocal ?
Or not