Power Conditioner Cables

Upgrading the power cord for my DAC, which plugs into a power conditioner, then realized the conditioner itself
is using just its own original stock rubber cord (which is, however, replaceable). Seems there would be no point unless I first upgrade the power conditioner cord. Never occurred to me before because, apart from the DAC, the only source components using the conditioner lack replaceable power cords of their own.

Funny I don't recall ever reading about upgrading the power cords on conditioners. Bet there are many here who know something about this .  .  .
millercarbon speaks wisdom here

always recognize when you have a zero cost trial to help you decide right in front of you

but we are all prone to sitting on our asses listening to tunes and typing, rather than get up off the couch and swapping something and trying to hear a difference LOL

Ain't it the truth. Its freaking amazing how much stuff I learned just by going and doing and listening and hearing. 

One time comparing power cords I went back and forth and noticed the one that had first been in didn't sound as good when it went back in. Then while listening trying to figure out what had happened within a few minutes it sounded just fine again. Hmmm. What if.... and fortunately this was before the interweb so instead of asking a bunch of random people I had to figure it out all by myself. And so now I know that all you have to do to make a cable sound bad is unplug it, wiggle it around, and plug it back in. It will be a few minutes stabilizing again. 

Or elevating. How could cable elevators possibly do anything or be worth anything? Type type type opinion opinion counterfactual fact opinion.... or wait a minute! I've got books and cups and glasses and wood and all kinds of stuff perfectly capable of elevating a cable up off the floor.  

On and on. Examples are endless. Go and listen. You will see.
The Brickwall power conditioner/surge protector is an affordable highly effective unit if you want to move up from the Pangea. Lowers the noise floor, I used it for all sources and a small amp. My high current amp sounded better plugged into the wall.


lowrider, sounds like a great bargain if it does all that for such a reasonable price. Like you, I run high current amps straight into the wall. This would be for source devices. Thanks for tip!
'Thuvens' comes to mind..
Very good...I believe it is from Norway...but you can get it here...
Never heard of it but will have a look.
Might be cool having some Norwegian gear in one's system ;-)