Spade vs. banana plug

Is one better than the other if both versions are very well made terminations?
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An exhaustive series of comparisons seems to be in order, but because spade lug/banana connections always seem located in the part of the components least easily reached, I'll just let somebody else give me the lowdown.
Y copper spade with copper nuts and post, shake proof binding washers and a torque wrench. Magic goo, a little dab will do ya, and torque um up.

No torque wrench a good end wrench, will work.. Look up the torque spec for the stud size... Perfect connection..

Or you can just give it a good tug, with an end wrench, plyers, or whatever's handy.. LOL

The biggest difficulties I’ve noticed are with the material of the connector, more than the type. Nickel or Rhodium plated is bad. Just too hard to make a good connection.

I’ve had really good luck with gold over copper bananas, and WBT locking bananas. Had really terrible luck with Furutech rhodium locking. Literally too small for several speakers, and too had to make a tight fight, as well as deformed easily.

Another type I’d like to try are the WBT spring loaded spades.

Banana plugs are easier to connect/disconnect if you do it often. Spade lugs are generally considered to be the more secure connection. Some banana plugs incorporate an adjustment screw locking them in place -- sort of defeating the concept while (possibly?) making them the spade lugs' equal. Give me a substantial, gold-electroplated, solid-copper alloy spade lug any day of the week and twice on Sundays, thank you. 
I agree that a good spade lug does offer peace of mind.  But the components ultimately call the shots.  My Primaluna integrated demands spade lugs.  My Nola speakers demand bananas.