Why the truth is not in them ??

I wonder how many people have been told something by a buyer, that was no where near the truth....I hate to think how many times I  have been told that I will send a Pay-Pal tomorrow, or I'll send you a check tonight....and never do anything of the kind.....I've been waiting for two weeks for a check from a guy in Michigan  , I have sold a item 13 times on another web-site based on what a person has told me and never received the first penny..........Does anyone tell the truth anymore ??   I have one web-site that I do business on that has a 98% negative truth rate.....Isn't that a poor way to deal with people ??     What are your experience ?? 
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brownsfan- @millercarbon, I hope you did not mistake my comment as having been directed at you.   It wasn't!

Yes, I see that now. Appreciate your setting me straight on that.

mahgister, You read Maps of Meaning?? Respect!
mahgister, You read Maps of Meaning?? Respect!
A great book, not for the general public, more a course in psychology with his own perspective... Very good....

In a nutshell, society comes from the necessity to survive in cooperation, all religions and societies are founded on a division of the world, the known versus the unknown, and the way the borders complex workings plays in the dynamic between these 2 poles ; the order and the virtual chaos on the verge to enter.....

I watched his whole series on the Bible stories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-wWBGo6a2w  together with hours and hours of his classroom lectures, debates, and interviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMcjxSThD54  and read his 12 Rules for Life https://www.amazon.com/12-Rules-Life-Antidote-Chaos/dp/0345816021 and read a few excerpts from Maps of Meaning, but have not felt quite up to tackling that one. Yet. 

His Bible series contains much of his intuition and observations.... But i dont have  listened it very much  3 episodes only.... I suggest you to listen to his series about his book.... the series of videos has the same title: maps of meanings....

I love the guy, he is sensible and the prey of no ideologue....He is also a real concrete clinician and that shows in his thinking....

My best to you with your new speakers....