Most unusual/mesmerizing female voice.

Natalie Merchant gets my #1 vote!
Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance (most mesmerizing)
Elizabeth Frasier of Cocteau Twins (most unusual)
Always liked the ex abba singer with “there’s something goin on”
always seemed eerie to me.

 The slight echo, at 2-3 am, ripped, always was eerie to me.
 Still a great song!
I'm going to stick to mesmerizing.  Laura Nyro, Emma Kirkby, Judith Nelson, Yma Sumac, Janis Joplin, Kate Bush, Ronnie Spector, Billie Holiday, Maria Callas, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, Stevie Nicks, Aretha Franklin, Patsy Cline, Elly Ameling.