Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse?

Not looking for a debate with anybody on whether aftermarket fuses work or not, this thread is for those fortunate members with the hearing to know that they do indeed work.
I am very interested in your thoughts and opinions as to where they work the best, the biggest bang for your buck if you like.
For myself I am going to say it is in my Metrum Onyx DAC.
And not just my present DAC, all of my last 3 DAC,s showed a very nice easily audible improvement with an aftermarket fuse.
Next I would say is in my Gold Note phono stage and lastly in my BAT integrated amp.

So what or where would you say has been the most noticeable piece of equipment that has benefited from a fuse change in your system?
That’s high hopes for any thread.
After all this site is here for people to sell things and make money. Hype kinda goes with the turf in high end audio.
I’m sure those not looking to profit might be able to behave themselves though.
I would say fuses are a little different.
After all there is NOT a huge market on used fuses that I know of...lol.

Other pieces of equipment, sure I can see where some glitz and hype might help your chance of selling the same used item.
Fuses though are predominantly new items from dealers and unless there truly are some schills on this site it's not quite the same scenario.
The description for Audio Magic Beeswax fuse says it all,

This fuse will give you tighter bass and yet sound relaxed - very natural sounding. The sound stage will become bigger and deeper, more detailed, better layering, better micro detail but with a relaxed musical presentation. For people that have to have the best this is it!

Looks like they took a page out of millercarbon tales....the mighty upgrade that is as good as upgrading a power cord or component 😊
I do respect Jerry Ramsey and his products. At the end of his description he should had added: "These fuses are the Bee's Knees"!
Just sitting listening to some killer tunes and looking at my gear.

Has anyone ever tried an aftermarket fuse in a LPS?
I have two, one feeding my Sonore Ultrarendu and one on my network switch.

Just curious 😎