Need preamp recommendation

Hi everyone :)

I am in the market for a 2-ch preamp to go with my power amp, and am looking for some recomendations. Will prob go used, as I think I can get more value for my money. I would like to limit the sale price @ $4k.

Do I want this?:

Maybe something else?

Thanks in advance.

I agree that the LTA preamps are enticing. I personally would want the one below. I've read that it can sound a bit lean so matching with amplifier is key.
What is the rest of your system?
It's hard to make a recommendation without knowledge of the other components.

Thanks for all the suggestions! Keep 'em comin'!

Naim CD > Preamp? > B&K power amp > B&W 605-S2


Buy either a deHavilland or a counterpoint and send it to me for upgrades. Best you'll ever hear when I'm done. Happy listening