Amps for Sasha

Thinking of the Pass Lab X350.5 or X260.5 as they're about the same price. Heard the class A INT30 is also a good match. Any comments?
I would definetively take the stereophile measurements seriously ,i consider it a magazine with a more scientific aproach ,the rest is more screaming about whats the next best thing " or what is the bestëver" or "what is absolutely the best"
With a impedance drop to 2 ohm at 86 herz i would definetively take a stable amp with good currentdelivery at that impedance, to make sure you hair a drumsolo on high volume without strain when you want it
I personally heard them FLY on two occasions.
With the Krell 402, and with a Plinius SA Ref.
Your better off with the XA series. I run XA 100.5's with WP 8's. Great match.
I have the Sasha and I can tell you that the Nagra PL-L and the Ayre MX-R is a very nice combination. I have been told that the Nagra VPA is also quite nice if you want to go all tube. I have also heard Naim with the Sasha and it was very nice.