You received 2 days for your apology. Now your time has run out.
You chose the harder way.
Man defends himself when it´s necessary. It´s time to tell one interesting detail how you actually did back then.
When I opened your thin letter with a tear on its surface, I faced the biggest surprise I have ever met when dealing with Hi-Fi gear, still so far.
You sent your just-retipped MC 25FL WITHOUT STYLUS GUARD.
To be honest, the cantilever was actually in touch one of the walls of that tiny plastic jewel box when I looked at it after having taken it from that box.
The cartridge must have moved inside the plastic box during transit. The cantilever was a bit off-center.
I immediately told you that the cantilever was in touch with one inner wall of that tiny plastic jewel box. You know all this already and I sent you pics.
This time you were lucky, the bent cantilever produced excellent sound quality from start to finish.
I took pics of the damaged letter, the cart w/ bent cantilever to you. I took many photos and sent a few to you, of course. I also took pics before dispatching back to you, of course.
I packed your cart much more carefully than you and you fully understand why. For the second time you were lucky because you did receive my letter with no tears/any harm caused to it. Otherwise you would had emailed me immediately.
Unless something strange happened after dispatch. Someone ruined your cart.
I´ve been wondering what kind of a person sends his just-retipped very expensive phono cartridge without stylus guard ??
Nevertheless, that bent cantilever gave excellent sound quality with 60 LP records I played without any kind of issues.
Initially I received a bent cantilever from your. I sent it back IN EXACTLY THE SAME CONDITION. Not my fault.
Actually I´ve been thinking of this very strange incident very very carefully since August 2014.
Your thin letter with a tiny plastic box inside is very tempting for a casual thief. Someone, or maybe several, post workers perhaps, opened the letter and found a phono cartridge inside but wasn´t interested, ruined cantilever and stylus tip and put it back. The most likely scenario IMO.
You should be lucky you received your cart back eventually !!
Bloody hell.
Your arrogance and prejudice and hate for fellow audiophiles is something else, in any forum for the last fifteen years I have experienced/seen in hifi/music discussions.
I don´t mind people who have a very different opinion about all things in Hi-Fi but I don´t care for offensive people.
I have never ever got insulted so hard as you do for no true reason.
Now I finally know exactly what kind of a person you really are.
You urgently should ask Axel weather a stiff MC cart is compatible with paraller tracking arm. He knows the exact answer because he is not only a professional but an artist. So is Vic. SMILE
The Trans-Fi arm fits my AT ART-9 perfectly and produces superb sound quality. My Trans-Fi linear arm can be taken from me only over my dead body.
My conscience is 100 % pure.