SEAS Excel Magnesium Midwoofer 51/2 inches ROCK SOLID BASS

Just measured the  edge of surround, it is 5 1/2 inches across.
I am getting TONs or ROCK SOLID BASS.
Does anyone still believe in the woofer theory, bigger is better??

Especially taking room size into acct, Yeah if you havea  palace size room, maybe you want to fill it with bass, soa  8 inch/10 ibch might work for you
I think we should always bring up room size in discussion ofa  ideal speaker bass response.
also note, bass is bass,, well not really, Cone material and how cone is labed makes a  big difference. This SEAS Excel has FREE moving  membrane around the solid copper phase pluf. 
also in considertion is how well doesa  mid woofer/woofer  both voice the upper low fq's to meet  with either a  midrange(which i hate) and a  midtweet. 
I think SEAS hit on the perfect idea of allowing the come to move freely indepent of the solid copper phase plug. 
 Giving a  natural bass response  and adding  the fullest possible bass extention due to its undersized 5.5 cone. 
+ its my guess this magnesiusm material is superior to the old standard paper. 
I know B& W also boasts a  unique cone material, that cool looking yellow fabric,,but i am not at all keen on how their midwoofers voice the upper low fq's. Its too colored for my taste.
So yeah I bought a  sub system to catch the lowest fq's, but as my tech guy says, ,, for what? and suggested that dayton sub amp witha   Cerwin Vega 10 inch,, will only add some dull boominess, with no fidelity (have both for sale on Craiglist cheap) , I always believed maybe I should try to gather the lowest fq's missing in the 5.5 inch midwoofers,,, But really there is not much going on in the 20-30 hz area anyway. 
It would only add this dull  boomy noise.

Somehow Seas Tested and figured out the 5 1/2 inch mid is the best of both worlds,, meets the required low fq register and also meets the Millennium midtweet at a  higher fq  junction making ita  seamless transparent high fidelity image.
At least thats what i am now finally hearing after  upgrading  and repairing my newly acquired Jadis DPL.
IOW the Thors have come alive after all these 18 years when driven with high quality components. 

The Q is,  what is the advantage of havinga  woofer larger than 6/7 (foam edge to foam edge) inches in a speaker design? To what benifit?
Also we should consider how a   specific 6/7 midwoofer voices the upper low fq's that meet the midtweeter. 
This could bea  issue, where the tweet has one particular voice and the widwoifer has a  slightly dif voicing. 
=  will sound like crap.
I think Seas tested all these  critical parimeters and came up with theie Excel line, some 20 years ago,, I am now curious to their new Flagship design the Cresendo + Nextel midwoofer 2 way.
Taking High Fidelity into the 21st century and ,,,beyond.....
I am on the fence should i add this Bifrost as a 2nd speaker,,, or upgrade my Thors xover with all Mundorf Silver caps/ ULTRA resistors/ top of line coils
The JA Perspectives 2 use two magnesium 5 1/2 inch Seas. The graphene is only a coating used as a corrosion inhibitor and perhaps small amount of stiffness. Mine have all the bass I like you will feel it. 
IMO a driver that size never has enough punch to be satisfying in anything but a pretty nearfield situation.  8" is the minimum woofer size for adequate punch in anything but a nearfield setup.  I don't doubt there are people in particular situations and with particular tastes who are content with a small woofer but I'm sure not one of them.  There are lots of large woofers with negligible distortion.  If the good ones sound slow and flabby it's poor implementation or the room.

A 5 .5 inch woofer will not do better than a 12 inch woofer. You need to play a 20hz tone into your seas drivers at full volume to see why you need bigger woofers. Get rid of those tiny drivers or you will not be getting the required bass response for a high end audio system. 
The JA Perspectives 2 use two magnesium 5 1/2 inch Seas. The graphene is only a coating used as a corrosion inhibitor and perhaps small amount of stiffness. Mine have all the bass I like you will feel it

Yes all the bass one could ever wish for. 
Was not aware of this fine JA Perspective speaker, 
Read page 2, starting *The JAP midrange clarity and lack of coloration,,,* all the way to the end of review,, 
this is exactly my observation of these SEAS drivers these past 18 years. 
Pull out your copy of Sophie Milman 2006 release, has Aqua De Beber etc song tracks,, here is s  graet reference cd for bass, voice, dynamics.
,,let me respond to jon5912,,
8" is the minimum woofer size for adequate punch

OK I'll grant there area  class of audiophiles who are into that **big stage sound**

8inch in my listening enviornment has always been *overkill*. 
5 1/5 inch has always met my needs for bass, and then some. 
As you suggest, each group of audiophiles will have different perspectives and wants for bass. 
The 5 1/2 incher delivers all the bass i ever could wish for ,,and then some.
But for you it may be too anemic. 
And for me, your 8 inch woofer bass might just  grate on my nerves. 
each his own.