Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
Mr. twoleftears

Belden make so many cables, of different AWG.
Which one is the one for me, for you or for some other?
Which of the data published, is the one (or more) I need to look at to make that choice?
What is my system’s parameter, that would make me pick that one?

As you have no idea, nor others, nor the cable makers including your admired Belden, you offer in every post of yours, What good that data is for you?

Which one is the one for me, for you or for some other?
As I said before, do the math.

A great problem in audio is ignorance of even the most fundamental concepts which makes consumers easy prey for charlatans. I might tell you what I have and why it works for me, but any recommendation with out hearing your system in your space is idiotic. IMO, this is what gave rise to burn-in.

Far too many systems are nothing but HiFi Jewelry and completely incapable of presenting a reasonable facsimile of the source material. Badly flawed source leads to badly flawed systems. You may like but a 6 foot hi-hat or solo vocal extending from speaker to speaker, but they are grossly wrong.

Then why are you here, to thumb your nose at people for ignoring those words of wisdom? You must have something much more important to do than saving our poor souls from audio purgatory. 
I’m not thumbing my nose at anyone. I’m a retired recording, electronic and software engineer.

The first thing an engineer does is get the requirements. I flew all over the world to have a look-see before making recommendations.

So when JoHiFi recommends his XYZ, without knowing anything about a room, the other components and user peccadillos, it just useless 0’s and 1’s.

Case in point: "The Naim series like the nd5xs2 is great at about 3500 ( I own one of these), and the Araulic Vega series, g1 is about 3500 I believe and I Just purchased their g2.1 which runs 6900.00. Both those are very easy to use also, which is important to me." So said speedbump6 in https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/can-anyone-recommend-a-good-streamer-dac

To be fair, originators of "Can anyone recommend..." deserve the nonsense they receive. Most of these topics contain "I can spend..." and ZERO about music!!!!
Our audio acuity is much more complex than the current science can define.

It can be easily empirically and consistency proven that cables measuring the same usually sound different. Also, we don’t buy cables based on measurements, rather, we buy them for the change/uptick in sonic performance. For some, measurements may be a deciding factor to reject a cable, but for most it’s the performance that’s the main issue.

Like most/all of you, I don’t “like” paying for cables above the box store prices, but I realize that increased performance comes with increase prices, and the law of diminishing returns also play a major role.

Some folks look at the sum of cable parts to equate the retail cost, but reality doesn’t work this way. Supply and demand is what dictates the market. Besides, it’s the “performance” that really matters to your audio chain.

Some bemoan that some cables are expensive, compared to what? They’re leaving out a main consideration/ingredient: performance.
It’s the price/performance that really matters when we evaluate products.

Do cable manufacturers artificially jack up prices without a corresponding increase in performance? I’d say generally no. Even at elevated price levels, there is still a lot of market competition applying downward pressure in prices. Besides, even if you run into a manufacturer jacking up prices based on fluff, they would very quickly be revealed on forums and social media devastating their reputation and their business sales.

Also, many/most of the people purchasing so called expensive cables are highly educated and have lucrative professions. In addition to purchasing expensive gear, they also upgrade their cables to prevent/minimize audio performance bottlenecks. Just because they can afford expensive cables, doesn’t mean they have a bottomless pocketbook - they have to budget as well. These professionals aren’t easily fooled by marketing hype, rather, they scrutinized their purchases as we all do.

Can you get an expensive cable’s performance at a cheaper price? I wish, along with my pocketbook. For 4 years I’ve been researching audio cables trying to maximize bang/buck while minimizing the sacrificing of audio quality.

Is the price/performance worth it? It subjectively varies per individual, no one can speak for all. If it is yes, then the pocketbook pain is more than compensated by the uptick in audio performance and thus audio enjoyment- not the worst way to spend $.