Ceiling fan in listening room?

Hi all,

Not sure if Tech Talk is the best forum to post this question, but would appreciate any comments / recommendations from our group. My listening room is in our below ground level  basement. Routing air conditioning to the space is not practical, and I am looking for alternatives to provide ventilation. Does anyone have any recommendations on or experience with use of a ceiling fan in a listening room?  Naturally I am concerned with the interaction of the fan's air circulation and the speaker output. Thanks in advance for any  input!
I would make sure the fan is not wired into any of the electric power for the audio equipment. A complete separate wiring for the fan. Dimmers and fans can and do add noise and grunge to the power line, which can effect your sound.
My two cents: If you are going to use a ceiling fan in your listening room, it would need to be of a very solid construction so as not to resonate and generate any sound of its own while the music plays. I had this issue and my solution was to remove the fan. The fan should be able to turn down very low so as to not generate noise from moving air.

Personally I wouldn’t add anything to my listening room that generates sound: e.g. ductless minisplits, ceiling fans, equipment cooling fans, etc. A low background level is vital to critical listening. There are ways to cool the room in a very quiet manner, but they are rarely the cheapest options.
I have a ceiling fan.  It is rarely used,
never while music is playing.
I wipe both sides of the blades and  the outside
of the glass bowl with anti-static spray. 

I have small pieces of fo.Q tape on the blades
and glass bowl.  I use a Walker Talisman periodically.

My sweet spot is almost directly under
the fan, so I pay attention to the orientation
of the blades, above my head, too.

Everything makes a difference.
The fan is not a problem with dynamic speakers,  Magnepans and most ESLs. Ribbons however can be a real problem. Air movement use to make my Apogee Diva mid range and tweeter ribbons flutter. Magnepan's tweeter is supported throughout it's length.