Audioques Power cable Dragon vs Hurricane what difference in low frequencies

      Hello. I watched talks about Audioquest power cables; I understand that between Dragon and Hurrican would be a difference, but that difference was not very detailed ...! I'm not referring to the price difference. I would like to buy an Audioquest power cable for my Hegel H 300 amplifier and would like to know which of the two cables offers deeper sound and stronger bass sound?
      Has the Dragon Power Cable (which is a combination of copper and silver) a bass and lower frequent sound better than Hurricane that is only copper?  Has anyone tested the two cables and can give a correct answer because I'm interested in this feature?
     Thank you

I already have Firebird (length 2m) between the wall outlet and power conditioner; it's ok although I only have 100 hours of operation; and now I want to improve the system with another power cable that connects the power conditioner with my Hegel H 300 amplifier. And I thought the Dragon (in this case 1m long) would be a good solution; even if it comes after a Firebird cable! That's all right
As so many on here have stated, the difference will depend on your system.  I had SR's mid grade cable powering my Ayre MXR Twenty's, but I can say that upgrading to the Dragon (pure silver version) has blown me away.  I wish that I could tell you specifically what each cable did to my system, but I replaced both amps, pre-amp and source components all the Dragon's and the detail I heard and the blackness of the space has thrilled me and I never get excited to the point of being thrilled.  I even was looking for ways to hate them because I could return them if I hated them, but I have to keep them because I would hate to go back to the old sound.
+1 for Tomic.
Mr. Rutan is a font of great, and trustworthy information.
PM him (audioconnection). Yes, he is an AQ dealer, but he is honest, and knows his stuff, AND, will never try to sell/steer you to something you don't want.
Is there a substantial difference between Hurricane and Firebird power cables ?