Is the preamp the “heart” of the system?

For many years my preamp was a passive devise. I was in love with the transparency. Then one day I to try an active one. With so many Stereophile “the best at any price” rave reviews I decided to go with the Audible Illusions M3B with the John Curl phono boards. I was thrilled! Finally I understood. They  sound finally had meat on the bones and a musicality that I was missing. And it was just as transparent! I guess the preamp IS the heart.

The Heart? Yo could just as easily say the amp is the heart. In reality it is the Speakers that are the heart as they determine the type of sound you have more so than any other component.
I use a tube pre in a digital based system. I believe the preamp serving as the 'heart ' of a system stems back to vinyl/tape only playback. Now days there is more debate on this. That said I can't see myself going with a passive pre in this system.
@mijostyn  If we are using an anatomy analogy then the amps and speakers are more like the leg muscles and legs themselves. They won't do much if they don't get a signal- and the key to that is a good preamp, one that is transparent enough that a passive can't compete (there are also active preamps with which a passive can compete easily...).
Out here in the Pacific NW the hydroelectric dam is the heart of the system, pumping out the electrons the whole system runs on.