Need a CD player to match


Many of you helped with my integrated amp purchase, and are currently helping me to find a great set of headphones and an associated amplifier. Thanks!

Last night, though, while holding a listening session with my fiancee, I determined that the next step needs to be a dedicated CD player that will feed my Audio Refinement Complete Alpha (and Tyler Linbrook Monitors). This unit will replace a nearly two year-old Pioneer SACD/DVDA/DVDV/CD combi player that is the last remnant of the old home theater...

Two price ranges: $100-$500 & $600-$875.

I was looking at a Rega Planet, after one had been recommended by a friend...

Again, thanks!
I would listen first to a Music Hall CD-25. Remember you can upgrade the power cord and it makes a significant difference.

You will already have thought of the top of the Rotel, NAD and Cambridge lines. To my ear, the CD-25 beats them all for dynamics, rhythm and drive, and does just as well in qualities like timbre and detail.

Here's one for sale :

However my recommendation for the very best within your budget would be the Shanling CD-S100 MK II. (Note the MH CD-25 is also a Shanling.) Unfortunately this second Shanling model is not available from dealers in the U.S.--only from Canada. However I think there is at least one Canadian dealer willing to ship across the border.

This player--the MK II--is a whole new ball game IMHO. For 50% more than the CD-25, you get at least twice as much music.

I've owned them both. Here's my comparison of the two :

Happy hunting!
The original Planet was a very nice player. Not the most resolving unit I've ever heard, to be sure, but exceedingly musical. Awesome PRAT, especially for the price. You could certainly do a lot worse, but there are a lot of other options to consider.
I think you'd do fine with Rega, music hall, Jolida, Rotel. They are all good for price as well as others, but these seem to be the most popular ones at the price. You'd have to listen to see which sound you like.
The Jolida JD100 is a very nice player, and falls into your price range. It replaced my Rotel RCD 971, and it made a huge difference.

How about this YBA Integre cd player to match your amp: