With speakers, you are right at my cutoff 90dB sensitivity. With that you can use just about any 30-50 watt tube amp. I did for years. Higher sensitivity is a big plus though. In your budget range I would be looking at Tekton Double Impacts. Far better speakers, far more efficient. Highly recommended.
So we have:
Double Impacts $3k
Rogue $3k
Rega $1k
Wire and tweaks $2k.
Admittedly, this system is a bit back-end heavy. That is, the speakers and amp are strong, the front end (turntable, cart, phono stage) a bit weak. Relatively speaking. However, there's some big pro's to doing it this way. Outstanding speakers and amp will make it super easy to hear when anything else is improved. The Rega has its own RCA and the Rogue has its own phono stage so you only need one power cord and speaker cables. $500 or less will get you a Master Coupler power cord, another $500 some darn good speaker cables, and still have about $1k in the budget for stuff like HFT, PHT, record care products, etc.