Advice on....Snake Oil

So, I get it. You purchase something and other claim it's snake oil. Or they purchase snake oil and you lay claim to the adage. 

My one question,

What is the general consensus a reputable brand would spend considerable time, resources and finances to create a product that is or what some would call "snake oil". 

My belief is that a lot of brands (PS Audio, Isoacoustics, Audioquest) would probably better spend their time developing and creating an impact rather than making a questionable product. Any dialogue to be had or am I off base?
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They spend their time thinking up new science sounding gobbledygook it pays better.
"snake oil" A convenient term that is used by ones that either, are too lazy or cheap to try the product to see if it actually works as advertised or already, in their minds know that it can’t possibly work because of their learned science. Or, if I can't hear a difference, it's snake oil. Then poo poo the ones that do try and like the results then attribute their opinions to the "placebo effect".
Snake Oil is a safe ’word phrase’.

It’s a ’decider’. A black white, yes no,..a thing used as a tool for a deciding moment that helps stop mental perturbation in the area of unknowns for the given individual.

A safe word/phrase for those with a set metal reach.

Other play this game at different levels of mental capacity and awareness.

"Snake Oil" is one of those which is used or has been come to be used in the world of audio.

As soon as I hear it being bandied about and thrown.. like a weighted manhole cover in a world of nickel words and phrases -- I know we’re dealing with a person who has a lesser mental capacity than the task at hand requires.... and is trying to be ’safe’ and simplify their their given simpler level.

It goes like this: I am safe and ok.., over there be dragons. So.. dragon bad, me good, therefore..the unknown I can’t fathom, is automatically, snake oil, as a label and matter it’s shape or the nature of it’s unknowns. And now with that label, and that positive monkey feels safe as it ~knows~ there are no unknown lions in the tall grass...and I can safely walk down to the water for a needed drink.

So, it's a primitive reaction, is the deal. the backside of the mind, reaching a cognitive limit.... trying to get to a safe spot. Seriously. We all have them at some level or another.