I've used spdif, optical, usb. They have all been plug and play. Using Benchmark, Topping, Micromega, Anthem, NUCs, raspberry pi4, MiniDSP SHD, Aurender and a few others. I already gave the comparison I notice very little is any difference other than USB does higher rates. I don't know about Antelope products but on their website for the Platinum Model it says
Hi Speed USB (480 Mbits). Zodiac Platinum uses USB connector Type B and operates up to 384
kHz sample rate with Mac and PC ASIO drivers.
The zenith is Linux based and I agree it should work but I have read where some have had problems. The first response to your thread a problem was mentioned with a Mytek product and Linux. Of those I mentioned MiniDSP, Aurender, the NUC and raspberry pi are all Linux based and I never had any problems. SPDIF is an old protocol and it works on basically everything, if you don't need or want higher resolution then no problem. But you're claiming USB sucks based on one incompatibility and you never mentioned if you contacted the manufacturers of either product to trouble shoot. You're entitled to your opinion that USB sucks. To me it's the only interface I use for superior audio transmission.