Advice on....Snake Oil

So, I get it. You purchase something and other claim it's snake oil. Or they purchase snake oil and you lay claim to the adage. 

My one question,

What is the general consensus a reputable brand would spend considerable time, resources and finances to create a product that is or what some would call "snake oil". 

My belief is that a lot of brands (PS Audio, Isoacoustics, Audioquest) would probably better spend their time developing and creating an impact rather than making a questionable product. Any dialogue to be had or am I off base?
I think my analogy held up as good as comparing an LP cutting lathe to an amp. Difference between tube and SS I can see the relationship and relevance the other still seems like apples and sardines. 
People are just plain jealous of others systems and have adopted an audio communist argument against anything that can be seen as better than what someone else has.

They feel no one should spend more than they or hear any better as well and if they do, then it must be measured and quantified or that person is crazy, delusional and must be decried and set straight. Gulag for you my friend.

They want a level playing field so they can get that participation medal just for showing up. They travel in packs (strength in numbers) and invade audio sites stirring things up with their communist points of view, out to save the audio society from itself. 

I've never seen this level of zealotry in other sites for automobiles, bikes, cameras, watches, etc. Sure, there are differences and debates, but the level of acrimony simply doesn't exist at the levels exhibited here. 

That's not to say there aren't charlatans out there but these audio communists see them everywhere. That's what they do.

All the best,
In the absence of agreed upon measurable criteria, the value of an item becomes subjective to the emotions elicited in the buyer.  IME, most audio equipment manufacturers believe in their product lines.   A $300 fuse may be "snake oil" to some while to others it may be the final touch to achieving great sound in their home.  

Your last paragraph seems to assume "a lot of brands" have purposely chosen to avoid "developing and creating an impact" and instead have chosen to make "a questionable product."  I am curious what you consider "a questionable product" and why you believe those brands would be "better" if they adopted a more altruistic goal of "creating an impact."

Yes, I believe you are off base.  IME, most audio equipment manufacturers are simply trying to stay afloat in a business they are passionate about.

It takes all kinds to tango.  
We’re it me though I would avoid grand generalizations where everyone is seen as the same.    Nothing could be further from reality. 
snark, informal. : an attitude or expression of mocking irreverence and sarcasm …