Mahavishnu fans only

Do you prefer the raw raw power of Inner Mounting Flame or the refined raw power of BIRDS?
Definitely The Inner Mounting Flame. But I really like Sanctuary composition from the Birds Of Fire.
I also think that Visions Of The Emerald Beyond is a great album. It is different, Mahavishnu Orchestra 2, and has a certain cosmic feel.
Mahavishnu Orchestra was a unique project.

I would say Birds of Fire rocks the hardest. One of the most influential jazz fusion albums of all time.

This reminds me of how I got into the Dixie Dregs years ago and reading interviews with Steve Morse and seeing the Dregs live. You could tell that they were heavily influenced by the Mahavishnu Orchestra. John McLaughlin has always been very disciplined and the compositional structures were complex but beautiful and fearsome at the same time!

But you say that Inner Mounting Flame rocks even harder? Now I'm going to have to re-listen to this one again.

masi61: they both rock hard. Flame is more raw. Birds more refined. I wuz asking fans' preferences. The most hardest rockin' is the Noonward Race on Mar y Sol concert album.

Check out their youtube. Transparent drums. Double neck guitar.
The live From Nothingness To Eternity has become my go LP, though I love them all.
Limited experience but when I have listened I have been wowed.  Thank you for reminding me that I need to make a stronger effort to pick up their recordings.