How deadly is transformer hummm...

Hello Folks,

I recently collected a lightly used (less than 50 hours) Dennis Had - Inspire - "Fire-Bottle." Within some few days, I noticed a humm emerging from somewhere within the chassis of the unit. As the unit was sold in "perfect" condition, I found the humm startling. Mind you, I've discovered absolutely no evidence confirming the sound is compromised; I mostly hear the sound within a couple feet of the amp, when the surrounding environment is silent.

This amp truly is a work of art. Nevertheless, I am now dealing with this 'humm' sound. I bought an Emotiva CMX-2 as a way to deal with DC offset, and this has not impacted the situation to any detectable improvement. Perhaps there is a slight improvement, but negligible. What to do?? Should I just relax, shake it off, and assume the amp will live well, or a down-the-road transformer replacement will simply become part of my experience with this amp? Should I put pressure on the seller to "right" the situation? He claimed, as I asked him, that it was the quietest amp he's ever owned. His add boasted that the fire-bottle exceeded amps from Pass Labs, a Cherry Amp, and one other that escapes memory. The seller has presented all of his communication in the manner of friendly professional etiquette. 

Your thoughts are appreciated. 
Sounds like DC offset hum, and the CMX-2 isn't quite doing the job. Send it back. You could try the PS Audio Hum Buster (if you can find one) or DIY as per Nelson Pass
By the way, the title of the original post should have included a question mark, and slightly more qualified phrasing:

"How deadly is transformer hummm, to the amp itself...[?]"
Is it a mechanical hum (ie, xformer against chassis) or electronic hum coming from speakers? The former may be as simple as mounting screws needing tightening.