This might be a stupid question,,but

I recently upgraded from a DVD player to a transport,DIP,DAC combo,which sounds better,but i am using analog ICs,will going to good digital cables improve the sound?
Oops. Mea Culpa. I thought he meant ... well, whatever I thought, I was wrong. Yes, go with the digital cable.
Signal makes a good coax digital cable. For me, the sound is different although I didn’t believe it at first and was using an IC for digital connection. I started with the Signal and now use an Acoustic Zen MC2.

I thought 1.5 meters was the "maximum" recommended length for digital cables.
im using analog ICs for the digital connection,i will probably buy some dig. cables in the next couple weeks,im thinking of trying Stereovox HDXV as i have a pair of HDSE that work very well between my amp and preamp.So the main difference is analog ICs are 50 Ohm and digital 75 Ohms !Thanks guys!