What have you been working on in 2020?

New system? Getting into DIY? New bands?

I’d love to know what you’ve been doing that is audio-related this year. Dare I hope some of you have gotten soldering guns? Heat guns? Cables or caps?
For me, I’ve gotten into Roon and the Pi 4. Finally set up my combined 2-ch/HT set up with a new HT processor, and done a little blogging on Roon and subwoofers.  Last night I took my Pi 4 apart and added tiny little heat sinks to the RAM, USB and Ethernet chips.

Though I do not own a 507MkII, my close friend does. A power cord can and does make a very hearable difference. We demo’d an older Pangea 9, Nordost Blue Heaven, and Nordost Heimdall 2. It got better as you moved up the line. I’d say the Pangea was not worth the money though because there was little improvement and the sound was still grainy. The Blue Heaven makes a nice difference at $330 but the Heimdall 2 was much better. If you can swing it, or something comparable, that’d be the one to go with. Another power cord that is even better for nearly similar money to the Heimdall is the Isotek Optimum. The Isotek is better value for money to me.
Parted ways with my legacy B&W + Rotel setup of 15 years to enter the world of seperates with a Schiit Saga+ and Vidar combo. 
I know it's sacrilegious around here, but I took a chance on a no-name phono preamp made in China with incredible results. In fact, after some tweaks, my vinyl setup officially sounds better than my digital setup. 

My last project for the rest of the year is to find new ways to enjoy my current setup without new tweaks or purchases. 
There are plenty of extant power cord discussions on Audiogon.  I would like to encourage those who want to engage that topic to start a new one or look for an old one so we can stay more broadly focused here.  Thank you. 
...the only power cords noted here should be spelled 'chords'....;)

"Good times, bad times, I know I've had my share...." *humming into the netherspace...*