Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII

Giving up on the SET amps.  I don't want to replace another expensive tube and the heat from 805 tubes is a warm weather deal breaker.  Considering the Pass XA25 but maybe the Gamut and its higher power rating would be a better option and allow a greater range of speakers to be used.  Can anyone comment on how the Gamuts compare to the XA25 in terms of detail retrieval and transparency (and any sonic differences).  Many thanks!
I’d think the Gamut would be a little more detailed and neutral of the two, and the Pass will probably throw as much heat as a SET amp. A couple other off-the-radar possibilities might be a Valvet E2se or a D-Sonic M3a-800S, both very different but excellent amps if you read the reviews.  I think D-Sonic offers a three-week trial period and costs less than $1500 new so what the heck?  Ok, you can commence laughing now.  Anyway, best of luck in your quest. 
I've owned the Xa-25 for 3 years now and love it still. 
Super quick, quiet, micro detail (class A to 50 W) and as dynamic as all get-out.  Cable swaps are easily heard - nothing in the way.  Plenty of power with 90 dB, 6 Ohm speakers.  I'll bet Tektons would blow the roof off!

get your cotton balls ready
Underwood HiFi is supposed to be releasing their Voyager GaN amp around now. They might still be offering a trade policy. I would definitely pursue it
tweak1   what is a Voyager GaN amp?  Years ago I swallowed the cool aid to quickly and traded in a JAS Array 2.1 SET for a new Wyred4Sound ST-500 there at Underwood.  I read the review of how great Class D was and it was a huge disappointment.  The extra power was nice (and bass) but everything else was a BIG step down in sonics.  Not saying the Voyager will but, just reflecting. 

And don't have Tektons yet.  My main speakers are DIY/customs of a similar design to Legacy Focus but using Eton drivers.  It's also quite sensitive but requires bi-amping. 

I've been looking for Valvet on the used market on Hifishark but they seldom come up so... will continue to consider although there are a couple Gamuts available presently so might jump on one before it's too late.  Thanks all for the input!