CD player for my system?

I'm normally an "analog" type of guy...I love my LP's! Any suggestions for a CDP in the range of $800-1200 for my system that might not offend these old analog ears? I must admit, I'm not much into "tweaks" or "mods." Looking to find a unit that sounds good out of the box.

Tube Audio Design TAD-150 preamp
Rogue Audio Stereo 90 amp
Reimer McCullough GS speakers

thanks for any suggestions!
Ag insider logo xs@2xkdbrink
Kehut, I saw that you recommended the EI tubes, i've also heard alot of people talke about the Electro-Harmonix tubes, have you heard these, if so, which do you feel is a better match for the jolida.
Good bang for the buck, Rotel RCD 1072. Just got one and am very happy. Pushes what can be done under $1500.00, HDCD compatible too.
Readster-- sorry to be so long in answering your quest.

Yes, I tried the EH 12AX7's in the jolida.Also the Ei Elite gold pins. Both were more bright sounding than the stock tubes that Jolida supplied. These were the least favorite to my ears of all the tubes I rolled in and out.

I liked the Mullard CV4004 somewhat and Tungsrams were very "fast" sounding or zippy, but did not have much body.

The Amperex, Siemens and Brimars were not as good as the Ei's non cryo'd ECC-83 gray plate.

All of the 5751's I used RCA 3x BP--Raytheon 3x BP and Sylvania 3x JAN..GE 3x Gray Plates... were smooth, but just too closed in sounding and lacked openness and dynamics.

The Cryo Ei Gray plates are the winner for me.Smooth and warm like the standard Ei, but with better depth and transparency.Amazing tube!