Reliability of brand

For a budget of $3000, which preamp is most reliable? I am leaning towards Mcintosh for the reason there is a recommended service center near where I live. This is a recommended service center listed on the Mcintosh website. I am a new member here, returning after inactive for several years. Recently, because of the crisis and the oil price plummeting, I have some free time on my hand because I was off the job market. So I am looking to upgrade my preamp after using my Onkyo as a processor for so many years. I am trying to learn from this board here so please have some patience.

My system:

Amplifier: Mcintosh MC2200, (it is old, I know, 1976 vintage)
Audio Processor: Onkyo TX-NR801
CD Player: Sony DVP-S9000ES and Yamaha DVD-C920
Magnepan 1.7

I know it is not much but it will do for now. I want to upgrade to a better amplifier and a preamp and that is why I am turning to this board. And the fact that I am not working now is I need to watch how I spend my money real conservatively for it to last for a long time. I hope I can learn along the way and pass it on to some of my friends. I knew two older colleague who also used this board constantly to upgrade their equipment. One of them had a Krell amplifier that died and the weight of 150 lbs alone prevented him to get it repaired. That is why reliability and price are the most two important considerations for me, right after performance.

I had spent half the afternoon reading through my search: "best preamp." The opinion varies by a wide range. The is no collective thought like a report or a chart plotting the results. For an example, if I am looking for a preamp between $2000 to $3000, I wish there is a report stating the frequency of the brand mentioned by the board members and plot them on a chart, like a charting of a survey. Is there such a report or study? Thank you for your input and your time.

A CJ5 Inspire preamp made by Dennis Had. Save thousands over a McIntosh. All hand wired, high quality parts. Can’t be touched.
Avoid brands that are subcontracted to the lowest Chinese, etc. bidder. GAS (Ampzilla) and Hafler were randomly unreliable.  The designs were great, but like too many audio designers, they contracted out the product, and sold a crap load, then unloaded the company, to begin another. Check to see where it is made.    
Reliability? Quality?  Sound Quality?    Check out Quicksilver Audio.  I have had Mike's Mid Mono amps for 6 years, rock solid reliable.  Sound great. Just picked up the Quicksiler headphone amp.  Forget about the fact it is a headphone amp,it is the best sounding amp I have ever owned. 

All Quicksilver amps and preamps are point to point , no circuit boards.  He makes a remote pre that is $1500, check it out if you are looking for a fully analog preamp
Price, reliability, sound quality, service...go Quicksilver and don't look back.