Problems with Optrix Spray

I noticed that some of my CDs treated with Optrix spray were looking cloudy. I thought maybe they had some excess Optrix (i.e. I did not wipe it off properly during the application) so I tried washing the Optrix off one of them, first with water and then with water and a little dishwashing liquid. The cloudiness was still there. I was finally able to buff the cloud off with Mapleshade Mikrosmooth. It was as though the Optrix had etched the surface of the CD.

Has anyone else here had this problem with Optrix?

I have since moved on to Auric Illuminator for my new CDs, but I have 10 or so CDs that are going to need a vigorous buffing with Mikrosmooth. (As I stated in an earlier thread, I use the tip of my index finger rather than Mapleshade's polish cloths since the latter scratch my CDs).


Not sure what you mean by the comment that Shine Ola is a cleaner rather than a clarifier. Yes, it cleans.
It also has a positive effect on the sound presentation according to most who use it.
Maybe I don't understand the terms.
I wonder if there has been any settling/separation of the ingredients? perhaps due to temperature or simply by not shaking or stirring prior to use? What I'm getting at is, is it possible you have unknowingly applied too much of one ingredient or another?
Maybe, I'm using the wrong terminology. What I meant is that Optrix, Auric, Vivid etc. are all designed to help light pass into and out of the CD more easily (without spilling) by providing an interfacing layer of material, while Shine-Ola leaves no such layer. Some people on this board are skeptical of interfacing layers and prefer the clean surface they get with Shine-Ola.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try shaking and see if the result changes (on an expendable CD, of course).

Thanks for "clarifying" :)
I have read where Shine Ola alegedly reduces reading errors. It does seem to be a clean solution and improves the overall audio and video presentations IMHO.
Brian is pretty obsessive about getting his solutions pure (Shine Ola and RRL LP cleaner) and not leaving residue.
I had some serious problems with Auric Illuminator, and not the old blue formula, but the second concoction. Several months after application, some DVDs would become so cloudy that they would not play. Even after polishing with Mikrosmooth, I'd have to follow up later with another polishing or two, as the clouding would recur. Now these claims that Optrix also causes clouding! Why use anything but soap and water? Is Shine-Ola anything more than distilled water? It doesn't even behave as though it contains any sort of surfactant, so how can it clean anything?