Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?

$2,000 or less used/new speakers free of grain, glare and steel, but with detail, extension, imaging, and tonal accuracy and balance? Acoustic Zen Adagio, Merlin TSM MME. Gallo 3.1, Frafrotski SE? Most speakers are competent, some are outstanding, a few deliver magic. Which speakers are the most musical and easy to listen to, rising to the top of a crowded field given their price point, and the most "forgiving" of their associated components? Which have magic?
What will you be driving said spealers with?
As noted above electronics on the front end do have an effect on the speaker end.
As with speakers, all amps and sources are not alike.
If I missed that info from a previous post, my apologies.
It's been suggested to me that, all other things being equal, more efficient speakers are better speakers -- more micro detail. I started a thread on efficiency...
All that detail, isn't neccesarilly quality. Higher efficiency allows more grunge in too. There are so many variables in loudspeakers, never mind the loudspeaker to room interface, that the idea of "all other things being equal" is purely an academic argument with no grounds (at least for now and into the foreseeable future) in current reality.