Replacing driver screws with brass screws

There was some discussion about this on Millercarbon's thread about the Moab speakers, and I wanted to pursue the subject further without interfering with his thread.
As I stated there, I have heard about this practice for quite a few years, but never tried it because it seemed like one of those lunatic fringe ideas; and even though I actually really enjoy trying tweaks, and have found many of them effective, I just was not prepared for what this one did for the music coming out of my speakers. 
Specifically, it improved the detail in ambient trails, focus in general, complex harmonics in voices and stringed instruments, and instrumental separation. It is not subtle, and it is immediately noticeable.
So, I am curious to know how many of you out there have tried this, and what your experience has been.
Thanks, John  
The idea is far from new. Its been done for quite a few years. Maybe you should consider it. I paid 10 bucks for 100 screws. Not much of a financial risk. And I wouldn't worry about the "men in straight jackets"...they wouldn't be able to grab you.
Is this STILL being discussed?
Who cares??!!
If you want to try it, try it. 
If you don't believe it, don't try it.
You are all welcome.
I agree with you...partially.If you have tried it and have an opinion yay or nay, let's hear it. If you haven't, and you still have an uninformed "opinion", you are a bore.  
Actually, in my opinion, if I was a new audiophile looking for an interesting website to read about the experiences of other audiophiles and I came across this thread, I would seriously consider not visiting this site again.

Good point. Better than mine in fact.
Allow me to start again...

Is this STILL being discussed?
Who cares??!!
If you want to try it, try it.
If you don't believe it, don't try it.
If you have tried it, opine with the voice of experience.
You are all welcome.