PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?

I think I'm going to purchase a Lumin X-1 and sell my PS Direct Steam Dac.
Can anyone share their experience with these 2 products, particularly in sound quality?

Ingresa tu texto ...The melco s100 seems to me an essential device if you want to get the most out of the lumin, regardless of whether you are going to use the fiber or not
Not only is the melcos100 there are other more affordable models, they all improve the sound obviously some more than others
I would guess the X1 would be the winner. Correct me if I am wrong, down the road if some, new magical DAC is released, you can keep using the x1 as a streamer and feed the new dac...correct?
Yeah, I would think so. The Lumin does have periodic firmware upgrades now too.

After a few months of back and forth with ethernet vs fiber, I prefer the ethernet on my X1. When I use fiber, the sound stage collapses, no separation of instruments, etc, just very 2D sounding with fiber.