Quick power cord question:

With a  DIY power cord that I just made, (pure, solid .9999 12 gauge silver) the tubes in that mono amp seem to be a little brighter than the other amp with the original power cord. So, do you think the tubes are brighter because they are getting more power through the new DIY cord or is the amp having to work harder and that’s why the tubes are brighter?


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Personally; I don’t believe actively shielding a power cord, would provide any benefit.     otoh- With an interconnect; it’s easier to have a stronger electrical field outside the dielectric, than what’s produced by the voltage/current in the conductors.      Just my opinion.
I just read a partial prereview of a new product out that emits DC through skinny wires that wrap around a power cord to prevent RFI from affecting it. The reviewer went on to say that that's what AudioQuest has been doing for years with their batteries attached to their cables, along with some other manufacturers.

I have no dog in this fight but it brings up the question that if it was no biggie then, it's no biggie now, so why all the hubbub?

All the best,
That reviewer doesn’t understand the premise of the Audioquest/DBS system.       It’s spelled out in their patent application, for which I posted a url earlier.     
Well, that reviewer may not be aware of that patent, but it sure as hell looks like what he’s mentioning when he refers to AQ. I’ve seen one of their demos up close (there being only the rep and the two of us listeners) and it mirrors remarkably like what the reviewer described.

Here’s the pre review of the device that I saw today:

All the best,