Vandersteen 5Aa Carbon--any 5a owner's opinions?

I'm new to 5as, having my pair since only 23 April. They're absolutely the best-sounding speakers I've ever heard, and I'm thrilled to have them.

But I understand that some of us V'steenists have raved about the 7's superior transparency, etc. The 5a Carbons use the 7's MR driver and (I think) a better tweeter than the 5a. Has anyone heard them?
Here is what I think. A pair of 7 costs about $28K more than a pair of 5A. Is the 7 "better" than the 5A? That can only be answered by you because at this level, "better" usually comes down to what you like "better". But if I were in your position, I would rather invest the $28K in room treatment. In a acoustically sound room, even cheap speakers can sound like high-end.
Sid, I'm asking about the 5A Carbons, not the 7s. I'm interested in 5A owners' opinions of the 5A Carbons' sounds.

My 5As sound so good I can't imagine anything else sounding better, but maybe in a year, V'steen will be offering 'affordable' upgrades for the 5As.
Remember Jeff...upgrading the 5A to the Carbons will only be done to those that are registered with Vandersteen that they are original owners.