Synergy Matching

Members, please share your component matching (speakers, amps, DACs) that you have finally attained that "Perfect Synergy/Sound" for you.
But because you asked:
Basis, Brinkmann, Lyra, Triplaner, HRS, VTL, Audioquest, ARC, Aesthetix, Vandersteen 

go back review Munich best of show, etc... plenty of repeat positive attribute synergy.

I will let others with lots of experience vs. narrow minded ego weigh in. 
Best to you

Nice post Chuck. I never understood that dirty word either. Synergy seems to be more appliplical to recordings than equipment.
I mean the first one, not the Moab infomercial.
Actually there is a ton of synergy in the studio.... start reading the liner notes on microphone and microphone preamp choices....

better yet get a couple of decent microphones, etc and educate your own ear...
Mhdt  Constantine DAC—>Audio Research sp16 Pre-amp -> BelCanto ref1000m amps -> Ohm Walsh F5 speakers.   
Also Denon DL103R cart on Linn Axis table to Electrocompaniet step up transformer as alternate source. 
90 db of output how ? Pretty much any pistonic driver ( the output is in phase to the input ) are less than 90db

just run your stereo thru a couple of Ampeg cabinets...

flavor chasers vs.advancing the art and science of audio... welcome to Baskin Robbins...