Avalon Eidolon or Parsifal Encore

I currently own the Verity Audio Parsifal Encores and am perfectly happy with them. However, a long time ago I heared a phenomenally sounding pair of Avalon Radian HC's, so I am intruiged by the pair of Avalon Eidolon's that is currenlty listed on auction. If I can pick them up at the right price I would consider doing an in house shoot out against the Verities and keep what I like best. Obviously, besides the financial ramifications, this is a big hassle involving shipping heavy boxes coast to coast, so before I decide whether to bid an the Avalon's I am interested in any opinions on how these two speakers compare. I listen mostly to small acoustic ensemble music (right in the Verity's sweetspot), and I use 200 Wpc pure class A monoblocks. Any comments are welcome.
FWIW I would hold the Verity's and sell everything else and replace it with a 100 watt full tube system. You are only getting 50% of what the PE can do with your gear.

The Avalons are great but you will be in the same place IMO with the ancillaries.
I agree with the others - keep your speakers. The Avalons are fine speakers too. What did you like better about them? It might be that the quality you liked was due to the associated gear as much as the Avalons. What kind of cabling was used with the Avalons?

I'm not too big of a fan of Transparent cable. I've not tried their cable in my system, but what I have found in common with underperforming systems at two local dealers was Transparent cable. I'd swap out the cabling before swapping out the gear as others suggest. Try some Nordost or MIT - and borrow enough so you don't have to mix and match if possible.

I see no mention of power cords in your system listing. What are you using? The right power cords can cause your speakers perform at a much higher level.
I never said I like the Avalon's better - I heard Avalon Radian HC's a long time ago and liked them a lot (with MIT / Spectral) so I'm intruiged by the idea of giving Avalon a try in my system. This is exactly how I ended up with the Parsifals, and before that Revel Studio's. Heard them in some showroom, liked them and tried them at home.

But I would never sell the Parsifals without first doing an in house shoot out and finding I prefer the Eidolons. The question is, should I even bother to try to buy the Eidolon's cheap on auction allowing me to do this expiriment. The consensus appears to be that it would be a lateral move at best so I should not waste my time and money. Considering this, I will probably refrain from bidding on the pair currently on auction.

As for ancillaries, I will not use tubes for poweramps because of reliability issues. Besides, my class A monos are stellar. Also quite happy with Transparent cabling. I use PS audio AC-12 for powercords with great succes.
Sorry that I hadn't read your post closely enough.  I misread your post and thought you weren't pleased with your Parsifals.  I figured that with the right cabling the idea of dumping the Parsifal would never enter one's mind.

The Eidolons and the Parsifals are the two speakers on my wish list.  I ended up buying my Spectral gear after hearing them drive Eidolons spectacularly.  The resolution of detail, transparency, and realism exceeded anything I'd ever heard.  What I heard and liked about the Parsifals was very different: the most amazingly gorgeous midrange.

In terms of power cords, glad to hear that the PS Audios are working for you.  I had their previous generation cords, which I thought were quite good, but they got trounced by the cheapest Nordost cord, the Magus.  I ended up dumping all my PS Audio cords and replacing them with Nordost Vishnu.  This was a major upgrade.  But even bigger than that was just swapping one Nordost Brahma for the Vishnu used at my power outlet.  I've had my speakers for 15 or so years, and they are now doing things they've never done.