Best value IEM phones for travel use from Android.

Just looking for ideas and suggestions from actual users of IEM head phones.

I travel..... A LOT!
Even in today's troubled times.
I get emails twice a day from and the choice of IEM seems to be staggering and bewildering.

What do I need?
Relatively efficient.
Being driven by a Motorola Android phone only.
Relatively small tips, had some that just did not fit in my ears at all!
Budget... $150 tops.

Thank you and stay safe!
Congrats!  Be interested to hear your impressions once they break in a bit. 
Its often true you get what you pay for.   If you have a good source, it would be a shame to devalue the sound with a headphone that might not be up to the job.   I know Grado, Shure, Sennheiser in ear models...all good.
The Tin T4 showed up today and first impressions playing them through my main system head amp are very favourable indeed.
Very efficient and a lot of nice solid bass without being one note boom, boom bass.

Using my phone which is how they will be used on the plane they did lose a little of that bass impact but hardly surprising tbh.
Overall pretty impressed for $79 shipped from Drop. 
Not sure I’d be too quick to judge them.  Even my cheap Sennheiser buds took a bit to break in and sounded much better after a few days of play time.  Be interested to hear your thoughts after 100 hours or so.